January 7, 2008: Shayna gets a new toy for her birthday

August 26, 2011 | By | Add a Comment

(This is the second video we shot today; see the first one here)

It is hard to believe that it’ was six years ago today that Shayna was brought into this world.  I thank my lucky stars for her, every single day.

So today, we spent the afternoon in a park… in the middle of winter!  It was 70 degrees and sunny today… so the universe certainly did its part to make this day special! (Last year at this time, I think we were under about 8″ of snow!)

Just a few weeks ago, Santa Claus brought Shayna her new favorite toy, which you’ll see here“Monkey…” and now, she has another toy that’s become her second favorite… “HedgeHog!”


Filed in: Life with Shayna, Retrieving toys by name, Shayna's Tricks | Tags: , ,

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