Category: Uncategorized

The days that led up to Shayna’s journey to Heaven
. In our last update, on February 27, I described the following: Shayna’s belly had become a bit bloated again. Dr. Paling, our cardiologist, confirmed through the use of ultrasound imaging (a) the presence of fluid in Shayna’s chest and abdomen, and (b) the tumor at the base of her heart had grown so large […]

The hawk, the squirrel, Mr. Jefferson, Shayna and me
Previously: Sixteen-months-less-one day; prayer request My posts here on Shayna’s site are normally dedicated to presenting pictures or videos of Shayna, or both. Not this one. On the morning of Thursday, March 6, 2014, after many days of displaying her usual high energy, high spirits and high activity, Shayna seemed quite down. I don’t know […]

20Feb13: Day trip to UVa; glowing Shayna
As I describe on this site and elsewhere, the University of Virginia, and particularly the Rotunda, is one of my and Shayna’s favorite places to visit. For me, it’s where my spiritual journey to rebuild my life after 9/11 began – and to ask for help to find the “right” first dog for me. For […]

Pics: Shayna doing her “frisbee skiing”
This was one of the first indications I had of how inventive Shayna really is. She’d never been particularly interested in catching a frisbee. but was fascinated by its shape. Then one day when she was about six months old, she decided a frisbee could be used as a “skiing” device: she turned it […]
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