Category: Retrieving two balls at the same time

24Nov13 Triple training delight
In this video, I wanted to get a combination of Shayna’s top three skills: (1) Retrieving toys by name, (2) Stacking her ring toys, by name, on a pole, and (3) Retrieving one tennis ball or two, depending on the command (“counting”). I was able to get it all in just four minutes. Enjoy! […]

March 18, 2007: Shayna retrieving two tennis balls at the same time
Practically since I adopted her, Shayna has been tennis-ball obsessed. That’s not particularly uncommon among dogs. But one day, when she was about six months old and we were at the off-leash dog park (when she could still go there), she apparently decided that retrieving one ball was terribly inefficient, crammed two into her mouth […]
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