Pics: 2007-2010
Continued from “Pics: 2003-2006”
From 2007 onward, I didn’t take nearly as many picture of Shayna as I did during our first five years together. But there are still quite a few to show…
October 2007: “Dog is my co-pilot”
This is how Shayna likes to position herself when we’re driving – just over my right shoulder. I talk to her, sing to her, and she usually has this big grin on her face. But this day, I decided to use the cell phone camera to see what she really looks like, from the dashboard perspective. How cool is this?
April 10, 2009: “It’s time for my close-up, Mr. DeMille…”
I took these pictures on a beautiful spring morning, just after we finished our training, and Shayna knew she’d done very well. No matter how difficult things got for me, how could anyone look into this face and not have a great day?
April 2010: Beauty and the…
Our eighth anniversary together, and the local pet store was having a spring portrait special… and I couldn’t resist. Shayna always looks great under lights. The guy she’s with, though… I’m going to have to crack down on who she associates with…
What’s kind of funny in this picture is that for those fans of Shayna’s from afar (as far away as California), who’ve never actually been in person with her, and ask me, “How’s that beautiful little black dog doing?,” you can see here that her head is approximately the same size as mine. Which is to say, huge.
Christmas 2010: Bath time, and the (literal) afterglow
On Christmas Eve, I brought Shayna in to the nearby self-serve dog wash facility. For one fee, you get to put your dog into a big stainless steel wash basin, hose her down with warm water, you have all the shampoos and conditioners you need, then you rinse her off, brush her out and blow dry her.
Although Shayna loves to swim, she hates getting baths. Fortunately, she has a very self-maintaining coat, so she only needs a bath maybe twice a year. But she fights me the whole time… from getting her up in the tub, until late in the process. Then, when all that black undercoat is laying at the bottom of the tub, she looks at me like… “Hm…. you know… this actually feels kinda good…”
This time, I brought my camera with me, in the hopes she’d feel the same way, and have that huge grin on her face that I remembered. Ah yes… there it is…
The next day, Christmas, after she got her newest toys (below) and treats, I took this shot – a happy, happy girl:
The next day, though, is when I grabbed a shot that really blew me away… look at how that coat shines…
Continue to “Pictures 2011”
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