Category: Frisbee Skiing

Shayna’s “frisbee skiing”
July 2002: When she was about 6 months old, out of the blue, Shayna started teaching herself to use the frisbee in a new way: to go “frisbee skiing,” as I later called it.

Pics: Shayna doing her “frisbee skiing”
This was one of the first indications I had of how inventive Shayna really is. She’d never been particularly interested in catching a frisbee. but was fascinated by its shape. Then one day when she was about six months old, she decided a frisbee could be used as a “skiing” device: she turned it […]

Feb. 17, 2003: Frisbee skiing in the deep snow – hilarious!!!
The best parts here are (approximately): 1:15-1:30 4:50 5:30 8:00 8:25 Ready? Set? Go!

January 2003: “Frisbee skiing” in the snow for the first time!
This was the first time that Shayna got to do her “frisbee skiing” in the snow… and it was a delight to watch, and film. If you’re in a hurry, fast forward to the 4:00 minute mark.

“Frisbee skiing” during our big 2002 road trip
A few months after I adopted Shayna, when she was about 6 months old, we went on a big road trip from Charlottesville all the way up to Maine and back. We made numerous stops along the way (NY, NJ, RI, NH, CT), and at most of them, Shayna loved to show off the […]
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