Category: Retrieving toys using flash cards

March 2013: Shayna’s continuing trick training, and more

March 2013: Shayna’s continuing trick training, and more

April 2, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

  30Mar13 Toy training at Albemarle High School On this relatively warm spring day, we did our training outside, and had a ball. As you can see, Shayna looks incredibly good, is running around like a maniac, and is feeling good. The end is as sweet as any moment in my life has ever been. […]

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14Mar13 – Flash card training, and a shout-out to an old friend

14Mar13 – Flash card training, and a shout-out to an old friend

March 15, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

This video shows Shayna doing her flash card toy retrieval training, and dunking balls in her new talking basketball backboard.  Plus, I give a shout-out to a one of the employees at the CASPCA with whom I interacted from January-April 2002, Shaye, who was so helpful and patient as I began the long search for […]

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Shayna retrieving toys with flash cards

Shayna retrieving toys with flash cards

August 25, 2011 | By | Add a Comment

Oct. 2009: Shayna’s memorized the names of dozens of her toys, and can retrieve and put them away by name. Now, she’s learning to identify their pictures on flash cards.

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