Tag: Swimming

May 31, 2008: Shayna’s first swim of the year
This is one of the real high points of Shayna’s life. The whole drive up to the Chris Greene Lake Park, Shayna knows where we’re going – no matter how long it’s been since we’ve been there (in this case, months). She whimpers and whinnies the whole way, with her head on one of […]

September 23, 2003: First video of Shayna swimming – ever
As described here, Shayna had severe water-phobia for the first 18 months of her life. It took a lot of patience (on both our parts) and courage (on her part alone) to overcome it. What you’re about to see is the first video ever captured of Shayna swimming, soon after she overcame her fear of […]

Summer 2002: Shayna up to her elbows in water… but still afraid to swim
When I adopted Shayna, the intake form said that she and her twin sister had been rescued from having spent three days in a storm drain (which would be in March 2002, Charlottesville, VA). It must have been a cold, wet, terrifying experience for a 10-11 week old baby like she and he sister were. […]
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