Category: Shayna’s medical condition

My letter to Shayna
On Wednesday March 26, at about 4:30pm, Shayna made her journey across the Heavenly bridge. In the past I’ve advised dog parents who had to say goodbye, to write a letter to their best friends, to tell them what they meant. I realized it was time to follow my own advice. This is the result.

Sixteen-months-less-one day; prayer request
To Shayna’s friends, and donors to her Health Fund: Despite all the misfortune that I describe in my book, that affected both Shayna and me as youngsters, and me recently, I still have many reasons to feel like the luckiest guy I know. And this feeling undergirds me as I write this, such a difficult […]

Happy “Fifteen-Months-Plus-One-Day”!!!
[From Shayna]: On October 30, 2012, I was diagnosed with something really bad, and was given one day to four months to live. February 1, 2014, Daddy and I celebrated “Fifteen-Months-Plus-One-Day!” Watch the video at right, and click “Continue Reading,” below, to see how well I’m doing. Love, Shayna!

Shayna’s medicine & supplement regimen
Legal disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only. Do not employ any medicine or supplement for your pet without first consulting your veterinarian, and doing your own research. Video above was taken on February 1, 2014 Our latest update: 01Feb14 “Happy Fifteen-Months-Plus-One-Day!!!” – YouTube Learn about Shayna’s medical condition, and donate […]

Happy “One-Year-Plus-One-Day!!!”
Previously: Happy “Eleven-Months-Plus-One-Day!”; Happy “Ten-Months-Plus-Three-Day!” A quick summary of Shayna’s status as of November 1, 2013: Shayna seems to be doing amazingly well. She overcame the salmonella poisoning (the second incident this year!) that afflicted her for about two weeks, in late September and early October. Her activity level is amazingly high. We are […]

Happy “Eleven-Months-Plus-One-Day!”
By Shayna To my friends, and donors to my health fund, thank you for all your support and prayers. (If you’re a newcomer to my site, welcome! See our previous entry, “Happy Ten-Months-Plus-One-Day!” here.) Here’s the cover of this month’s card: And the interior: Daddy helped me to customize and print out versions of this […]

Sept. 3, 2013 update: Happy “Ten-Months-Plus-Three-Day!”
This is the latest in a series of updates to bring our friends, and donors to Shayna’s Health Fund, up to speed on the latest concerning her health, life and outlook. If you’re new to this site, or want a refresher on Shayna’s medical conditions, see previous updates: July 14, 2013 update: Shayna’s continuing […]

July 14, 2013 update: Shayna’s continuing recovery from heart surgery
Pictures and videos documenting Shayna’s continuing, amazing recovery from emergency heart surgery on May 29.

June 4, 2013 update: Shayna’s emergency heart surgery
On May 29, Shayna had emergency heart surgery. She’s making a rapid recovery, and is proving to be a “miracle dog” once again, thanks to the expertise and commitment of several remarkable veterinary specialists, and a host of generous donors to her Health Fund.

14Apr13 update: My best birthday, ever
A continuing series of updates for donors to Shayna’s Health Fund, and our friends and family. See the last update here. Introduction Today is my birthday. According to medical science, Shayna should not be here to celebrate it with me. Yet as the pics and videos contained in this update show better than any […]
Get connected with Shayna!
Connect with Shayna on the following social media platforms: