Pictures: 2013
December 2013

Me with Rosie, Shayna’s favorite Senior Center member. Shayna and Rosie have absolutely fallen in love. See pictures of the two of them here.
November 2013

On November 29, 2013, WRIC, the ABC affiliate in Richmond, VA ran a feature story including Shayna, and interviews with her surgeon and me. The theme: the lengths to which some dog parents go to help their aging best friends. Click here to see the video.
October 2013

October 11, 2013: Finishing work on Shayna’s book, in my intellectual cathedral, the Dome Room atop the Rotunda, designed by Thomas Jefferson.

October 1, 2013: A scene of Shayna’s morning-and-evening medicine regimen. The pasty substance in the paper plate is a mix of chicken breast, white rice and sweet potato. I make little “medicine balls” out of two of her pills at a time. Click here to see the specifics of the medicines and supplements I am using.
June 2013
May 2013

May 26, 2013: On the stoop in front of the UVa Rotunda, where my journey in Charlottesville began, in November 2001. Note Shayna’s left rear paw has a bag on it – she developed a sore that was treated on Friday, and which we must keep dry.

May 26: Shayna with her trademark look of curiosity-wonder-boredom. in the background is Ranier, a Siberian Husky puppy adopted by her godparents, Chuck and Adella, taking a nap atop Adella’s purse. It’s a lot of work being a puppy! Shayna’s saying, “Dad, can we go now? I don’t know what you see in that silly little boy.”
May 15: “Ghost dog” at UVa
May 10: Misc.

May 10, 2013: Shayna doesn’t fight me (much) when it’s time to give her ASEA, a liquid supplement based on redox signaling molecule technology; see

May 11, 2013: This is one of the free-standing literature dispensers I created for the “Save Shayna” fundraising campaign, to help raise money for her upcoming surgery. See
May 10: “Angel face” photo-burst

May 10, 2013 (1): Although this pic is not in focus, this is the smiling, sweet angel face that I see from my dining room table, which is where about 50% of my work occurs. How can anyone look into those eyes and not feel like the luckiest person in the world? I know I do.

May 10, 2013 (2): Although this pic is not in focus, this is the smiling, sweet angel face that I see from my dining room table, which is where about 50% of my work occurs. How can anyone look into those eyes and not feel like the luckiest person in the world? I know I do.

May 10, 2013 (3): Although this pic is not in focus, this is the smiling, sweet angel face that I see from my dining room table, which is where about 50% of my work occurs. How can anyone look into those eyes and not feel like the luckiest person in the world? I know I do.
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