Shayna’s medicine & supplement regimen

December 11, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

Legal disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only. Do not employ any medicine or supplement for your pet without first consulting your veterinarian, and doing your own research. 

Video above was taken on February 1, 2014

Our latest update: 01Feb14 “Happy Fifteen-Months-Plus-One-Day!!!” – YouTube

Learn about Shayna’s medical condition, and donate to her health fund here: Shayna’s Health Fund

Many who observe Shayna and how active and happy she is find it hard to believe that more than a year ago (October 30, 2012) she was diagnosed with inoperable heart cancer (hemangiosarcoma), and given an anticipated lifespan of one day to four months. Shayna’s medical team credits her longevity to her otherwise superb health (at age 12), her zest for life, the love we share, lots of exercise, the massive amount of excess weight we were able to shave off through diet change, the heart surgery performed on May 29 and, to some degree, the alternative medicines we’ve been employing, most of which were prescribed a holistic veterinarian.

Over the months, some have asked what specific products we are using, and I’ve been glad to share this information with them.  I’ve thought about doing so on a wider basis, especially as my book is now done, and other dog parents who are facing similar situations may benefit from this information.

So, with the legal disclaimer at the top of this page in mind, I offer you the regimen of alternative medicines and supplements that I’ve been using, and a brief description of what each item is believed to do.  (Note: You might also consider contacting my supplier of the first three products, below, Greene Lake Healing, which also offers holistic health consultations and support services.)

Chinese medicines and supplements (prescribed by holistic veterinian):

Yunnan Baiyao: According to the manufacturer, it is used to “help promote blood circulation.”

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Achyranthes Combination): Reportedly “activates blood circulation, dispels blood stasis, promotes the flow of qi, and unblock the meridians.”

Liu Jun Zi Tang (Major Six Herb Combination): According to an independent site, it is used “to tonify spleen, benefit vital energy, eliminate dampness, and transform phlegm. Main usage and indications include dyspepsia, loss of appetite, excessive amount of phlegm due to Qi deficiency, cough, weak limbs, abdominal distension, and loose stools.”

Thorne’s Basic Detox Nutrients: Described by the manufacturer as being “a comprehensive multiple vitamin-mineral with additional nutrients to aid in detoxification.”

How I administer these medicines: Rice balls!

To administer the 14-15 capsules and tablets Shayna requires morning and night, and to do it in a healthy way, I use “rice balls” consisting of white rice, chicken breast (freshly-made) and either sweet potato, or kosher canned beef for dogs.  Below is an approximation of how this is prepared: just lay out the white rice, sprinkle chicken breast pieces in it, swirl in a few clumps of sweet potato or beef, smoosh it all together, and voila, Shayna can’t wait to take her medicine!

October 1, 2013: A scene of Shayna's morning-and-evening medicine regimen.  The pasty substance in the paper plate is a mix of chicken breast, white rice and sweet potato.  I make little "medicine balls" out of two of her pills at a time.  Click the image to see the specifics of the medicines and supplements I am using.

October 1, 2013: A scene of Shayna’s morning-and-evening medicine regimen with “rice balls.”

Other supplements and practices I’ve been employing:

ASEA: I have also been using a liquid supplement that is based on redox signaling molecules, called ASEA.  See the manufacturer site here; an informational page with lots of videos here.  Contact my local supplier, Amy Stacy, via email.





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