Dog expense assistance funds

October 2, 2011 | By | Add a Comment

It is heartbreaking to hear stories of people and families that felt compelled to give up their dogs because, in times of economic hardship and upheaval, they could no longer afford them.

As I explain in the book I’m writing about Shayna, shortly after getting her, I was taken out of commission by the first serious accident of my life, which financially devastated me – so I know the feeling, well. Fortunately, she’s a remarkably healthy dog, and I’ve encountered no major medical expenses.

In the course of research for my book, I came across these nonprofits that offer financial assistance to people in such circumstances.  Had I known of them at the time, and had Shayna been facing a serious medical issue, I would have reached out.  My plan is to donate a portion of the profits of my book to a select group of nonprofits, including one that helps financially-strapped people to pay for veterinarian services and other dog needs on  a temporary basis.

If you or anyone you know is in a period of extreme economic hardship, please, for your and your dog’s well-being, reach out to one of these organizations, so that you can at least know and explore your options:

IMOM (In Memory Of Magic)

United Animal Nations

Brown Dog Foundation

The Jake Brady Memorial Fund (State of Ohio only

Animal Care for Artists: To assist low income individuals, employed in the arts, in covering the cost of medical care for their animal companions.

Buddy Care Foundation: Provides financial assistance to dog owners that can’t afford critical medical care for canine companions in need.

The Grey Muzzle Organization: Improves the lives of at-risk senior dogs by providing funding and resources to animal shelters, rescue organizations, sanctuaries, and other non-profit groups nationwide.

The Irwin Foundation: Assists lower income families with medical treatment for their pet if they do not have sufficient funds to pay for it themselves.






Filed in: Dog parenting, Dog welfare and laws, Emergencies & Poison Control | Tags: , ,

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