09Apr13: A day in the life with Shayna

April 10, 2013 | By | Add a Comment

The sunset today really illuminated Shayna’s emerging copper undercoat… (had to pay special for that, wasn’t included in the original factory equipment!), so I decided to take some pics:

09Apr13-Sunset beauty 1

“Aw, Dad, will you put that stupid camera away?”

09Apr13-Sunset beauty 2

How can any day not get better after seeing this smile staring back at you?

09Apr13-Sunset beauty 3

“Aw, Dad, will you put that stupid camera away?”

09Apr13-Sunset beauty 4

“OK, ONE more, but that’s it, okay? Then we go to Panera where I get to have treats and visit my friends and lay on my comfy mat, okay?” (Dad said, “Oh-tay!”)

09Apr13-What is it 1

(At Panera) “Dad, what is that thing? It’s too small to be a dog! Can we go have a look?”

09Apr13-What is it 2

“Uh, I don’t know what you are, can you give me a hint?”

09Apr13-What is it 3

“Hm, you don’t seem to be able to do anything useful…”

09Apr13-What is it 4

“… say, what’s he got that I haven’t got?”


Filed in: Life with Shayna, The Blog

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