The sunset today really illuminated Shayna’s emerging copper undercoat… (had to pay special for that, wasn’t included in the original factory equipment!), so I decided to take some pics:

“Aw, Dad, will you put that stupid camera away?”

How can any day not get better after seeing this smile staring back at you?

“Aw, Dad, will you put that stupid camera away?”

“OK, ONE more, but that’s it, okay? Then we go to Panera where I get to have treats and visit my friends and lay on my comfy mat, okay?” (Dad said, “Oh-tay!”)

(At Panera) “Dad, what is that thing? It’s too small to be a dog! Can we go have a look?”

“Uh, I don’t know what you are, can you give me a hint?”

“Hm, you don’t seem to be able to do anything useful…”

“… say, what’s he got that I haven’t got?”
Written by: Jon on April 10, 2013.
Filed in: Life with Shayna, The Blog