Christmas 2011
This Christmas season holds special significance to me for three reasons: (1) Shayna is about to turn 10 years old on January 7; (2) Within a few days, I will have completed the first manuscript of the book I’m writing about our life together; (3) on April 7, we celebrate our 10th anniversary together. So I am being extra-nostalgic, and will probably be taking more pictures and videos than normal over the coming days and weeks.
Shayna’s Christmas Eve bath
As has become tradition now (see the pictures at the bottom of the page here), Shayna gets a bath on Christmas Eve. At first, she hates it… but then, about 90% of the way through, after she’s rinsed off and I’m giving her the blow-dry, she has this huge grin (left), as if to say… “Wow, you know what, Dad? This feels kinda-sorta… great!!!” And at right, after she was mostly dry, we went to a nearby playground so she could show off her shiny new coat, and play with her beloved tennis ball on the playpen.
Christmas morning
If you’ve explored our photos, you know that Santa Claus is very, very good to Shayna at Christmas. And this year was no different. She got a variety of toys and goodies and other things, as usual.
Shayna asking, “What’d Santa bring for me?”
One of Shayna’s new toys, “Porcupine”:
And here’s the video; we’ve got Elvis signing Christmas songs on the CD, a roaring fire in the fireplace, and lots of love; all in all, a good Christmas morning (OK, so Norah Jones wasn’t under my tree, too, but oh well, maybe next year!):
The day after Christmas
Shayna displaying the “wave” that she’s mastered: